Master of Athletic Training MAT Admission Requirements MAT Courses MAT Tuition & Fees Clinical Education Guidelines MAT Scholarships Honors and Awards Athletic Training Facilities MAT Faculty and Staff Menu Master of Athletic Training Faculty and Staff Samantha Wilson, EdD, ATC, LAT, CPT Associate Professor of Health and Human Performance Director, Athletic Training Program Clinical Education Coordinator swilson2 [at] Jason Ensrud, MS, ATC, LAT Assistant Athletic Director for Sports Medicine jensrud [at] Megan Kobs, MS, ATC, LAT Assistant Trainer and Instructor mkobs [at] Tyler Kohmetscher, MA, LAT, ATC, CSCS Instructor of Human Health & Performance in Athletic Trainer Athletic Training tkohmets [at] Kaitlyn Pahl, MS, ATC, LAT Assistant Athletic Trainer kpahl [at]
Samantha Wilson, EdD, ATC, LAT, CPT Associate Professor of Health and Human Performance Director, Athletic Training Program Clinical Education Coordinator swilson2 [at]
Jason Ensrud, MS, ATC, LAT Assistant Athletic Director for Sports Medicine jensrud [at]
Tyler Kohmetscher, MA, LAT, ATC, CSCS Instructor of Human Health & Performance in Athletic Trainer Athletic Training tkohmets [at]