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Want to experience what has been described as “pretty much the best workout ever?” Then come take advantage of Wesleyan’s FREE Zumba class on Monday nights at 8 pm in the Weary Center! Beginning September 15, come experience why over 15 million people around the world are in love with this exciting class that started a dance-fitness revolution.


The Weary Center is going to see a couple areas get facelifts in the upcoming weeks!

The Weight Room and Circuit Room will be unavailable beginning on Wednesday, July 30th for the equipment replacement project to take place. We expect this project to take two weeks and we plan to re-open both areas by Wednesday, August 13th.

Members of the student organization Global Service Learning (GSL) had planned for months to travel to Ukraine for an international service trip. Their plans changed in early 2014 when political unrest forced the group to explore other service options.