Transfer College Credit
Undergraduate students wishing to transfer a course(s) from another institution should secure in advance the approval of the Registrar's Office. Credits from regionally-accredited institutions, with grades of "C-" or above, may transfer to º¬Ð߲ݴ«Ã½.
In order to transfer credits to º¬Ð߲ݴ«Ã½ University, students are responsible for requesting an official copy of college transcripts to be sent directly to º¬Ð߲ݴ«Ã½ University. Official transcripts can be sent via an approved electronic service by the sending college/university, such as the National Student Clearinghouse or Parchment. Alternatively, official transcripts can be mailed to º¬Ð߲ݴ«Ã½ University, Registrar's Office, 5000 St Paul Ave, Lincoln, NE 68504. Transcripts that are hand-carried, faxed, emailed, or marked "issued to student" are not accepted as official and cannot be utilized to evaluate or issue transfer credit.
Current º¬Ð߲ݴ«Ã½ Students will receive a "Transfer Credits Posted" confirmation message via º¬Ð߲ݴ«Ã½ student email approximately 7-10 business days after receipt of an official transcript for transfer credit. Prospective º¬Ð߲ݴ«Ã½ Students should work directly their designated Admissions Counselor to navigate the transfer process.
- Advanced Placement Exams
Advanced Placement Test Test Name Minimum Required Test Score º¬Ð߲ݴ«Ã½ Equivalent Course º¬Ð߲ݴ«Ã½ Credits AFRICAN AMER African American Studies 4 HIST-2540 4 ART HIST Art History 4 ARH-ELECT 3 BIOLOGY AP Biology 4 BIO-1010 4 CALC AB SUB AP Calculus AB Subscore 3 MATH-1600 5 CALCULUS AB AP Calculus AB 3 MATH-1600 5 CALCULUS BC AP Calculus BC 3 MATH-1600 5 MATH-1610 5 CHEMISTRY AP Chemistry 3 CHEM-1110 3 CHEM-1110L 1 CHINESE LANG 3 AP Chinese Language & Culture 3 MCHIN-1010 5 MCHIN-1020 5 CHINESE LANG 5 AP Chinese Language & Culture 5 MCHIN-1010 5 MCHIN-1020 5 MCHIN-2020 5 COMP GOVT Comparative Govt & Pol 4 POLSC-ELECT 3 COMP SCI A AP Computer Science A 3 CMPSC-1000 3 COMP SCI PRINC AP Computer Science Principle 3 TRANS-TECH 3 ECON-MAC AP Macroeconomics 4 ECON-1530 3 ECON-MIC AP Microeconomics 4 ECON-1540 3 ENGLISH LANG AP English Language & Comp 3 ENG-1010 3 ENGLISH LIT AP English Literature & Comp 3 ENG-1020 3 ENVI SCIENCE AP Environmental Science 4 BIO-1300 4 EUROPEAN HIST AP European History 4 HIST-ELECT 3 FRENCH LANG 3 AP French Language 3 MFREN-1010 4 MFREN-1020 4 FRENCH LANG 5 AP French Language 5 MFREN-1010 4 MFREN-1020 4 MFREN-2010 4 MFREN-2020 4 GERMAN LANG 3 AP German Language 3 MGRMN-1010 4 MGRMN-1020 4 GERMAN LANG 5 AP German Language 5 MGRMN-1010 4 MGRMN-1020 4 MGRMN-2010 4 MGRMN-2020 4 HUMAN GEOGRAPHY AP Human Geography 3 GEOG-1520 3 JAPANESE LANG 3 AP Japanese Language & Culture 3 MJPAN-1010 5 MJPAN-1020 5 JAPANESE LANG 5 AP Japanese Language & Culture 5 MJPAN-1010 5 MJPAN-1020 5 MJPAN-2010 5 MJPAN-2020 5 LATIN AP Latin 3 MLANG-ELECT 4 LATIN 5 AP Latin 5 MLANG-ELECT 5 MUSIC THEORY AP Music Theory 5 MUSIC-1610 3 PHYS EM AP Physics C: Electric & Magnet 3 PHYS-2100 4 PHYSICS 1 AP Physics 1: Algebra-Based 3 PHYS-1600 4 PHYSICS 2 AP Physics 2: Algebra-Based 3 PHYS-1700 4 PHYSICS C-MECH AP Physics C: Mechanics 3 PHYS-2000 4 PRECALCULUS AP Pre-Calculus 3 MATH-1400 4 PSYCHOLOGY AP Psychology 3 PSYCH-1010 4 SEMINAR AP Seminar 3 TRANS-ELEC 3 SPAN LIT & CULT AP Spanish Literature & Culture 4 MSPAN-3030 2 SPANISH LANG 3 AP Spanish Language & Culture 3 MSPAN-1010 4 MSPAN-1020 4 SPANISH LANG 5 AP Spanish Language & Culture 5 MSPAN-1010 4 MSPAN-1020 4 MSPAN-2010 4 MSPAN-2020 4 STATISTICS AP Statistics 3 MATH-1300 3 US GOV POL AP U.S. Government & Politics 4 POLSC-1010 4 US HISTORY AP United States History 4 HIST-1010 3 HIST-1020 3 WORLD HISTORY AP World History: Modern 4 HIST-1110 3 - CLEP Exams
CLEP Placement Test Test Name Minimum Required Test Score º¬Ð߲ݴ«Ã½ Equivalent Course º¬Ð߲ݴ«Ã½ Credits ACCOUNTING Principles of Accounting 55 ACCT-1310 3 AMER GOVT American Government 55 POLSC-1010 4 BIOLOGY Biology 50 BIO-1010 4 BUSINESS LAW Business Law 55 BUSAD-2700 3 CALCULUS Calculus 60 MATH-1600 5 CHEMISTRY Chemistry 51 CHEM-1110 3 CHEM-1110L 1 COLLEGE ALGEBRA College Algebra 50 MATH-1100 3 COLLEGE COMP College Composition 50 ENG-1010 3 COMP MODULAR Comp Modular W/Essay 50 ENG-1020 3 COMPOSITION College Comp W/Lit 55 ENG-1010 3 FRENCH LANG French Language 55 MFREN-1010 4 MFREN-1020 4 FRENCH LANG 4 French Language 65 MFREN-1010 4 MFREN-1020 4 MFREN-2010 4 MFREN-2020 4 GERMAN LANG German Language 55 MGRMN-1010 4 MGRMN-1020 4 GERMAN LANG 4 German Language 65 MGRMN-1010 4 MGRMN-1020 4 MGRMN-2010 4 MGRMN-2020 4 GROWTH/DEVELOP Human Growth & Development 55 PSYCH-2350 4 HISTORY I Hist of US: to 1877 50 HIST-1010 3 HISTORY II Hist of Us Ii:1865-Present 50 HIST-1020 3 INFO SYSTEMS Info Systems/Comp App 52 TRANS-ELEC 3 LITERATURE Analyzing & Interpret Lit 50 ENG-1020 3 MACROECON Macroeconomics 50 ECON-1530 3 MANAGEMENT Prin of Management 50 BUSAD-2500 3 MARKETING Prin of Marketing 50 BUSAD-2000 3 MICROECON Microeconomics 50 ECON-1540 3 PRECALCULUS Precalculus 60 MATH-1400 4 PSYCHOLOGY Psychology, Introduction 55 PSYCH-1010 4 SOCIOLOGY Sociology, Introductory 55 SOC-1110 4 SPAN LANG LEV 1 Spanish Language 50 MSPAN-1010 4 MSPAN-1020 4 SPAN LANG LEV 2 Spanish Language 63 MSPAN-1010 4 MSPAN-1020 4 MSPAN-2010 4 SPAN WRTG LEV 1 Spanish With Writing 1 50 MSPAN-1010 4 MSPAN-1020 4 SPAN WRTG LEV 2 Spanish With Writing 2 63 MSPAN-1010 4 MSPAN-1020 4 MSPAN-2010 4 WEST CIV I Ancient Near East to 1648 50 HIST-1110 3 WEST CIV II 1648 to the Present 50 HIST-1110 3