The legendary ߲ݴý arch juxtaposed by green trees and blue sky.
Single Sign on for Self Service

Single Sign on for Self Service

We now have single sign on (SSO) set up for Self Service. Students and employees can access this via Office365 credentials.

To log into Self Service:

  1. Click on the Self Service icon on the Inside ߲ݴý or CS/ITS pages or use this link:
  2. Enter your username on the “Sign In” page (without the and click on “Continue”. This will take you to your Office365 login page where you enter your ߲ݴý email address and Office365 password.
  3. Once that is done your logged into Self Service and can proceed from there.

If you're already logged into Office365 on your Web browser, you will have access to Self Service without having to log in again.

WebAdvisor is NOT single sign on. You will still log into this with your old ߲ݴý account username and password. We still have a few things on WebAdvisor only but most are now on Self Service. Here is a listing of the WebAdvisor items on Self Service

For Students

WebAdvisor Self Service
Academic Analysis Student Planning->My Progress
Apply for Graduation Apply for Graduation
Financial Aid Financial Aid
Parent Access View/Add Proxy Access*
Pay Advices Employee->Earnings Statement
Student Grades Grades
Tax Information Tax Information
Unofficial transcript Academics->Unofficial Transcript**
View Tuition Statements Student Finance->Account Activity
Verify Directory Information User Profile*
Web Registration Student Planning->Plan & Schedule

*To find user profile and proxy access click on your username at the top right of the screen.
**To find academics click on the graduation cap icon on the left margin of the screen.

For Faculty & Staff

WebAdvisor Self Service
Advisee Detail Advising
Finance Query Financial Management->Finance Query
Office Information User Profile*
Pay Advices Employee->Earnings Statement
Roster & Final Grading Faculty
Tax Information Tax Information
Time Approval Employee->Time Approval
Time Entry Employee->Time Entry

*To find user profile click on your username at the top right of the screen.