Ryan Kathman, M.F.A.

Ryan Kathman, M.F.A.

Assistant Professor of Theatre
rkathman [at] nebrwesleyan.edu
Headshot of Ryan Kathman, M.F.A.

"What reason weaves, by passion is undone." - Alexander Pope


Omaha native, Air Force brat, º¬Ð߲ݴ«Ã½ alum, tuba player, one-time professional journalist and prodigal son returned to Lincoln after working as an educator, actor, director, playwright, fight choreographer and dialect coach in Nebraska, Minnesota (Twin Cities), Tennessee (Memphis) and Kansas on both stage and screen. Favorite projects include: creating and performing a one-man version of Shakespeare's Hamlet called One-Ham Manlet and premiering it in two states; being on set as an actor with directors Robert Altman (in A Prairie Home Companion) and Alexander Payne (in Election); original adaptations of many of Shakespeare's works, including a two-person version of Twelfth Night titled What Two Will at the Benson Theatre in Omaha; directing the original one-woman show Blue Collar Diaries at the Minnesota Fringe Festival (before it moved on to St. Paul's History Theater); producing/directing original Canterbury Tales adaptation Toward Canterbury in Minnesota (after premiering it as a student at º¬Ð߲ݴ«Ã½); the Chicago premiere of original short play From Grace; performing in Omaha for BLUEBARN (in Macbeth and King Lear) and Old School Shakespeare Omaha (in Midsummer Night's Dream), on Minnesota's Jungle Theater, Playwright's Center, Illusion Theater, and In the Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theater stages, Memphis' Playhouse on the Square and Theatre Memphis' stages, and as a lead in the feature film Vipers in the Grass with Dean Winters (Oz, Brooklyn 99) and Harley Jane Kozak (Arachnaphobia, Parenthood). Most favorite projects: marriage to Jenny and being father to Gracie and George.


MFA in Acting for Stage/Screen

BA in Secondary Education with a Language Arts emphasis (Theatre, Speech, English and Journalism)

BA in Theatre/Communication

Minor in Instrumental Music


Courses taught

Script Analysis (FYW, WI)

Acting I

Acting II

Acting IV

Directing I

Directing II

Directing III

Directing IV

Stage Combat

Playing Shakespeare

Dramatic Literature: Families

Dramatic Literature: Shakespeare

Acting from the Director's Perspective

"Folk Yeah! Stories from Around the Globe" (Archway Seminar)

"Live from Lincoln, it's Saturday Night!" (Archway Seminar)

Methods of Teaching Theatre/Comm. in Middle & Secondary Schools

Mindfulness for the Actor

Professional and community affiliations, certifications and awards
  • The Society of American Fight Directors: Certified Advanced Actor/Combatant (SAFD)
  • The Stage Directors & Choreographers Society (SDC)
  • Dueling Arts International (DAI)
  • Actors Equity Association (AEA) (formerly affiliated)