A large group of adults gather outside and eat ice cream treats.
Jerald (Jerry) S. Bricker, Ph.D.

Jerald (Jerry) S. Bricker, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Biology
Office location

Acklie 126C

Office hours

My office hours, along with my daily schedule, are posted on my .

jbricker [at] NebrWesleyan.edu
Headshot of Jerald (Jerry) S. Bricker, Ph.D.

Ph.D. in Botany, Arizona State University
M.S. in Botany, Arizona State University
B.S. in Biology, Western Michigan University

Courses taught

Liberal Arts Seminar, General Biology of Plants, Medical Botany, Medical Botany Lab, Plant Taxonomy, Ecology, Tropical Biology of Belize, Principles of Marine Biology, Applied Marine Biology, Senior Research.

Research and academic interests

The focus of my research is the search (better known as "bioprospecting") for biologically active endophytes (definition: an organism, such as a fungus, that grows within the tissues or cells of another plant). My primary goal is to identify organisms that produce novel compounds that exhibit biological activity, hopefully against human diseases.

Please visit my for more information.