Brad LaMotte
Assistant Professor of Scenic Design
Scenic Design and Technical Direction
Office hours
TTh 9:00 - 12:00p, or by Appointment
blamotte [at]

"And what we've lost sight of is that performing manual labor with your hands is one of the most incredibly satisfying and positive things you can do."
- Nick Offerman
Examples of my theatrical work can be found at .
- Masters of Fine Arts in Theatre Design & Technology
Scenic Design and Technical Direction Emphasis
May 2024 Graduation University of Nebraska - Lincoln
- Bachelors of Fine Arts in Stage Design & Technology
Scenic Design Emphasis
December 2012 Graduation Baylor University • Waco, Texas
Courses taught
- THTRE 1400: Introduction to Technical Theatre
- THTRE 2720: Scenery and Properties Design
- THTRE 2700: Introduction to Theatrical Design