Adrianne Prokupek-Pickett, Ph.D.
By appointment

2008 Ph.D.
University of Nebraska- Lincoln
Major: Biological Sciences
Area of Specialization: Genetics/Bioinformatics
Minor: Statistics
2002 B.S.
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Major: Biology
Minor: Chemistry
Graduate -Level Courses:
- ForSci 5100 (Research Methods and Statistics)
- ForSci 5410 (Forensic Biology)
- ForSci 5420 (Forensic DNA Analysis)
- ForSci 5990 (Forensic BioChemistry Research)
Undergraduate - Level Courses:
- Bio1010 (Non-majors Biology)
- Bio1400 (Biological Inquiry)
- Bio60L (Zoology lab)
- Bio160L (Cell Biology Lab)
- Bio299/3900 (BioStatistics)
- Bio2200 (Cell Biology and Genetics)
- Bio2600 (Genetics)
- Bio3800 (Molecular Genetics)
Other Institutions:
- BioSci 206 (Genetics) (UNL)
- BioSci 101 (Intro. to Biology) (UNL)
- BioSci 2050 (Microbiology) (MCC)
- BioSci 2050 (Genetics) (MCC)
Recent Publications:
Prokupek, A.P, S. Eyun, L. Ko, E.N Moriyama, L.G. Harshman (2010) Molecular Evolution Analysis of the Seminal Receptacle Genes of Drosophila melanogaster
Prokupek, A.P., S.D. Kachman, I. Ladunga, L. G. Harshman (2009) Patterns of gene expression in the sperm storage organs of Drosophila melanogaster. Insect Molecular Biology 18(4): 465-475
Prokupek, A.P., F. Hoffman, S. Eyun, E.N. Moriyama, M. Zhou, L. G. Harshman (2008) Expressed sequence tag analysis of Drosophila spermatheca genes: Protein identity and function. Evolution 62(11): 2936-2947
Academic Service:
- Biology Department Chair
- Faculty Affairs Committee, 2019 - present
- INBRE Campus Coordinator, 2018 - present
- Nebraska Undergraduate STEM Education Network, Founding member and Campus Coordinator, Aug. 2017 - present
- University College Curriculum Academic Planning committee, 2015 - 2016
- University College Internal Review Board (Chair), 2012 - 2015
- Faculty Development Committee, 2011 - 2015
- Book Reviewer: What is Life? By Jay Phelan. W.H. Freeman Publishers, 2010
- The American Society of Human Genetics Annual DNA Day Essay Contest Judge, 2008 and 2009
- National Science Foundation Grant Reviewer, 2009
Professional affiliations
- American Association for University Professors 2015 - present
Community Service
- For Elephants, Board of Directors: Secretary 2019- present.