Final Examinations

Final Examinations

Policy title
Final Examinations
Academic Affairs
Academic Affairs
Policy statement

A final examination period is scheduled for traditional semester-long courses and second eight-week courses. No separate final exams are scheduled for first eight-week courses; final exams are completed during the last scheduled class meeting. The Final Examination Schedule is posted each semester according to the day/time of the course section (see Registrar's Office website for final exam schedule). Each course must meet no fewer than 50 minutes during the period specified in the final exam schedule. Any deviation from the published Final Examination Schedule must be approved by the Dean of Undergraduate Programs a minimum of 24 hours before the final in question. (Exception: if there are multiple sections of a course, an instructor may allow a student to meet at the final exam time of another section of the same course.)

All students, including seniors, take final examinations in each course for which they are registered unless the instructor exempts individual students from this requirement.