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Tips For Your Student's Return Home for Semester Break

Tips For Your Student's Return Home for Semester Break


It’s hard to believe the fall semester is nearly done.  It seems like just yesterday when you moved your student to campus.  Now, the winds of winter are upon us and your child is returning home.

Your student’s return home can be a great time to catch up and enjoy the holidays together. However, it may also be a time of adjustment for both families and students.

Final exams conclude on Friday, December 20. Our residence halls close at 9 p.m. and will open at noon on Monday, January 20. 

As you prepare for this break, here are some helpful tips to keep in mind:

Discuss schedules and commitments.  Check in with your student before the holidays to find out what plans he or she may have already made.  Let your student know of any family commitments on the calendar but understand his or her need to see their friends too. This is also a great time to schedule any appointments while your student is home.

Expect changes.  Your student has grown a great deal since they first started the semester. For example, your student may have decided to go vegan or may have a new tattoo. Knowing some of these things ahead of time may make it easier for the whole family. The same goes for you. Think about what changes you’ve made that you need to let your student know about (such as turning their room into an office).

Adjust house rules and curfews in reason.  Your student has had complete freedom at college. Enforcing a curfew at home may not only be difficult, it may also send a message that you do not believe in your student’s ability to take care of him or herself.  

Expect sleeping and lots of it.  Your student is coming off of finals and the hustle and bustle of a busy college life. Their sleep may signal actual need and not laziness the first few days that they are home. 

Take time to get to know the new person your student is becoming.  The changes may be dramatic or they may be slight.  Winter break is a fantastic opportunity to learn about your student in a new way.  Remember to acknowledge all the positive changes you see.

As your student prepares to return to º¬Ð߲ݴ«Ã½ in January, it may be hard for them to say goodbye. Offering love and reassurance will go a long way. We will be excited to welcome them back to campus, and will have several welcome-back programs to help them settle back into their routine.